Small Publisher
of Brilliant Ideas is a small publisher of brilliant ideas. Based in Kolkata, India, we are interested in publishing young poets and writers of popular psychology, non-fiction, and self-help genres.

We Publish
We like the elegant, experimental, and eclectic across poetry, non-fiction, pop psychology, and self-help! We want the radical!
We are interested in short-collection of poetry in English.
Pop Psychology
We are interested in non-academic psychology in English.
We are interested in personal and public essays in English.
More about BookWryter
Publisher & Past Authors
BookWryter by Linda Ashok is a small press initiative to help young poets and non-fiction writers develop their intellectual footprint.

Jagari Mukherjee
Poet & Academic
Read Exit Noire here

Ananya Chatterjee
Poet & Software Engineer
Read Barefoot on Splintered Glass here

Linda Ashok
Poet & Trainee Psychologist
Read Sharpless 29 here
Past Publication
A book is an artistic summary of your intelligence and intellectual capital. Make it count!

Exit Noire

Sharpless 29

Barefoot on Splintered Glass
Call to Action
Small Press India, a small publisher of brilliant ideas based in Kolkata, India, transforms meaningful manuscripts into professionally published books that stand proudly in the global marketplace.
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