Interested persons are often curious to know the whole process undertaken to produce a book and we appreciate that. At BookWryter, transparency and clarity are crucial elements to ensure maximum author satisfaction. So, here’s an overview of the whole process involved in publishing your book.
- Market research
- Target audience definition
- Competitive analysis
- Book concept refinement
- Book outline
- Chapter breakdown
- Timeline creation
- Budget planning
- Content development
- Research/fact-checking
- Writing first draft
- Multiple revisions
- Beta readers feedback
- Developmental editing
- Copy editing
- Proofreading
- Beta reader incorporation
- Page layout/formatting
- Font selection
- Header/footer design
- Chapter styling
- Image placement
- Page numbering
- Table of contents creation
- Copyright registration
- ISBN acquisition
- Library of Congress number (if applicable)
- Legal disclaimer/notices
- Author bio preparation
- Cover design (front, back, spine)
- Interior design
- Graphics/illustrations
- Back cover copy
- Author photo
- File formatting
- PDF creation
- eBook conversion
- Print specifications
- Proof review
- Final corrections
- Printer selection
- Print run decision
- Amazon listing setup
- Other platform setup
- Metadata optimization
- Pricing strategy
MARKETING (optional)
- Marketing plan
- Press kit
- Author website/social media
- Launch strategy
- Review copies
- Pre-orders setup
Based on author’s interest/budget, marketing is optional or can be done independently as author desires. BookWryter has no say it. The purpose is to publish a great book and have Google and other search engines identify author as writer. So, if you are interested in having your book meticulously produced, without the tag of a vanity publishing, or self-publishing, reach out to the publisher today!